
Bumrungrad Clinic Yangon

Bumrungrad Clinic Yangon

Providing primary healthcare and medical diagnostics for health screening, the Bumrungrad Clinic in Yangon offers both the convenience of location for residents of Myanmar and high international standards.

Bumrungrad Clinic Yangon ensures the same level of quality as Bumrungrad’s main campus in Bangkok by matching our medical technology and equipment and bringing in healthcare professionals who have received training in Thailand and overseas.


Primary Care Services

On-site Clinical Laboratory Services: Clinical Chemistry

  • Immunology
  • Hematology
  • Microscopy
  • Cytology 
  • Serology

Radiology Services:

Appointment Services:

Bumrungrad Clinic in Yangon provides the appointment services assisting patient to liaise with Bumrungrad International Hospital in Thailand.

For more information and appointments please contact our hotline: +95-978-230-2424

Related Packages

Contact Number

  • Tele-Consultation with Doctor Click

Service Hours

  • Bumrungrad Clinic Yangon
    Monday through Friday
    7:00 am to 4:00 pm
    7:00 am to 12:00 pm


  • Bumrungrad Clinic Yangon
    No.9/B, Ma Naw Hari Street, Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Rating score 7.47 of 10, based on 121 vote(s)

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