Primary Cancer Treatment
Fight cancer with our support
At Esperance, we have a team of specialists carefully weighing all of your primary cancer treatment options to create a plan that is personalized. Precision medicine involves testing the drug sensitivity profiles of the patient’s cancer cells, helping us decide which treatments may limit possible adverse effects and maximize results.
A treatment approach that kills cancer cells by using anticancer preparations, including but not limited to chemotherapy and the use of botanical agents.
- Heat and Laser Based Therapy
A selection of physical methods, such as heat, laser and ultrasound are used to target, shrink and destroy cancer cells.
A type of cancer treatment that boosts the body’s natural defenses to fight cancer.
An approach that helps select the most effective treatments based on a patients genetic and molecular information.
Treatments to help weaken the cancer cells’ resistance ability and capacity to spread by inhibiting cancer cells' energy production.
Supportive Care
Fight cancer with our support
That is why we are committed to providing patients with detailed nutrition consultation, effective pain management and psycho-social support services, for patients and their families. When appropriately addressed it leads to improved immune function, decrease in muscle loss and improves overall patient outcomes. Our multidisciplinary team of professionals recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. We are dedicated to helping patients and families with many types of cancer-related stress and challenges that occur during the cancer continumum of care. Learn more about our array of supportive care services and start navigating from treatment to recovery.
The best way to fight cancer is to prevent it
At Esperance, we have developed and honed prevention strategies to help reduce the risk of cancer. Our approaches prior to a potential initial diagnosis or during remission include liquid biopsy, testing the levels of tumor and metabolic markers, the production of an immune profile and next-generation sequencing.
Today, nearly 80% of cancer is driven by environmental and lifestyle factors such as nutrition choices, oxidative stress, harmful toxins and chronic inflammations. For that reason, screening for such risk factors is also a cornerstone of Esperance’s cancer prevention approach. We offer a range of services and strategies based on leading-edge research to help individuals reduce cancer risk or detect cancer early at its most treatable stage.
A non-invasive way of monitoring an individual’s cancer status, risk or treatment performance.
The analysis of tumor markers may suggest the presence of cancer, helping medical oncologists to monitor therapy progression.
An immune profile helps predict the patient’s responses to immunotherapy and monitor the progress of the treatment.
- Next-generation Sequencing
A tool that allows oncologists to discover significant functional mutations, genetic changes and pathways.
Improve your sense of well-being and quality of life with detoxification
While detoxification is primarily used for cancer prevention and remission therapy, it may also be appropriately applied after chemotherapy to remove toxic residuals. Furthermore, detoxification has protective effects for many chronic degenerative conditions, including cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, metabolic and rheumatic diseases.
A therapy that helps remove toxic heavy metal compounds and organic acids with the usage of agents that bind on to the offenders so they can be expelled from the body.
A type of sauna that uses special frequencies of infrared light to create heat, which helps carry away specific toxins.
The colon is an important detoxification center in the body. Barriers to its function come in the form of endotoxins (toxic substances that are a result of bacterial breakdown). To remove endotoxins sterile water is introduced to the colon in a calm environment.