
فحص فحص الصحة الوصف

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Below is a list of tests which are performed in our Health Check-up Packages. These tests are established, well understood evaluations of the current state of your body. Depending on the results of these tests you may need more specialized testing, or a repeat of these tests over time, to determine if a problem exists.

Please note: Bumrungrad has many, many other types of testing available.  These tests are listed as they are the ones which are in our packages.

Vital Signs and Physical Examination in Check-up
  • We do these tests as a quick check for Hypertension and for other symptoms which can be checked during a “hands on” inspection.
The below tests are all done through a blood test:
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC): This is a broad spectrum test for problems which may be indicated by an abnormality of the blood cells, which include infections, immunity issues and cell-based blood problems, among many other conditions.
  • Fasting Blood Sugar: This is one of the best first pass indicator tests for diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  • Lipids (Fats) Profile: This test looks at the levels of fats, triglyceride and cholesterols (a unique type of fat with a complex chemical structure) in the blood to characterize the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Gout (Uric Acid): Examines the levels of uric acid in the blood to diagnose gout.
  • Kidney Function Panel
  • BUN: (Blood Urea Nitrogen) A measure of kidney’s ability to clean waste from the blood.
  • Creatinine: Another measure of kidney clearance function.
  • Liver Function Panel
  • SGOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT): These tests detect the blood levels of specific enzymes, which are mainly contained in the liver, indicating leakage of the liver due to some kind of disease.
  • Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP): Another enzyme detection test of the blood for liver disorders.
  • Total Bilirubin, Albumin, Globulin: Tests used together to detect the presence of many types of diseases, predominantly liver and kidney based diseases.
  • Gamma GT (GGT): A test used to detect liver disorder, and rule out other diseases which may occur as false-positives from other tests.
  • Thyroid Panel * TSH and Free T4: These tests are used as an indicator of thyroid issues, such as over-active or under-active thyroid function.
  • Hepatitis B &C Screening: Detection for hepatitis B and C immunity and infections.
  • Tumor Markers
  • CEA for GI Cancer: A test to determine the potential presence of a gastro-intestinal cancer. A positive result does not definitely indicate cancer.
  • AFP for Liver Cancer: A test to determine the potential presence of liver cancer. A positive result does not definitely indicate cancer.
  • PSA for Prostate Cancer: A test to determine the potential presence of prostate cancer. A positive result does not definitely indicate cancer.
  • A broad spectrum test, typically looking for kidney or urinary tract diseases.
  • A test to detect parasites and gastro-intestinal issues.
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG): A test used to evaluate heart function at rest, especially looking for abnormal heart rhythms and the potential risk of a heart attack.
  • Exercise Stress Test (EST): A type of EKG, which tests the heart under stress over a longer period of time than a standard EKG.
  • Chest X-Ray: This x-ray is used to look for tuberculosis (TB), other lung/pulmonary abnormalities, and the size of the heart, which can indicate an array of issues.
  • Ultrasound Whole Abdomen: A non-invasive, effective test system for looking at the size, density and condition of many of the body’s primary internal organs. Used to look at the ovaries for women, and the prostate for men.
  • Digital Mammogram with Ultrasound Breast: A test to look for cancer, cysts or other abnormalities of the breast.
  • The Pap smear is used to look at abnormalities in the cells of the woman’s cervix, to detect the presence of, or the possibility of, cervical cancer. A pelvic exam is done to look for issues with reproductive (vulva, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries) and non-reproductive (bladder and rectum) organs.
  • Used to check for “eye health” issues, such as glaucoma.
Last modify: شوال 11, 1440

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