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Alzheimer’s disease
 is considered to be a non-treatable form of dementia and accounts for roughly 65% of all irreversible cases. Although it cannot be cured by medicine or surgery, the progression of Alzheimer’s disease can be slowed with proper medical treatment and appropriate care.

Signs of Alzheimer’s disease

Generally speaking, symptoms of dementia include impaired reasoning, memory, and changes in personality. Signs of Alzheimer’s disease include:

  • Being confused with time
  • Difficulty in communicating or expressing oneself
  • Frequent forgetfulness
  • Inability to maintain a schedule or routine
  • Challenges with abstract or critical thinking
  • Unable to make decisions
  • Swift or unexplained changes in emotional behavior
  • Poor judgment and reasoning

Everyone experiences memory lapses which generally increase in occurrence with age. It’s not something to worry about unless it makes completing daily tasks difficult.

If you or your loved one believes they are experiencing the early stages Alzheimer’s diseaseBumrungrad International Hospital’s Memory Clinic has a team of expert neurologists that provide screening and diagnosis for suspected dementia patients. This includes:

  • Discussion of patient history
  • Neurological examination and blood test
  • Cognitive evaluation
  • Brain MRI

Alzheimer’s disease does not only affect the person who is suffering from the condition, but also affects the people who are caring for them. This includes friends, family, and employed caregivers who experience emotional stress and personal struggle because of the round-the-clock care required to keep a dementia patient safe and healthy. Rather than confront or get agitated with an Alzheimer’s disease patient, handle situations with the following tips in mind:

  • Divert or distract attention to prevent shame
  • Repeat yourself but do not say “I already told you”
  • Offer reassurance instead of lecturing
  • Agree rather than argue
  • Never give orders, but ask instead
  • Be encouraging, not condescending
  • Understand that unpleasant behavior is from the disease and not the patient’s true intention.
Last modify: Januari 25, 2023

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