
EmbryoScope - Pemandangan Perkembangan Embrio

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Selecting the most suitable embryo for implantation provides the best chance of achieving a successful pregnancy. The latest technology developed to optimize successful IVF treatments involves the use of the EmbryoScope.

What is the EmbryoScope?
The EmbryoScope combines an incubator, a microscope, and a time-lapse camera to capture and record images to create a video record of the embryonic development. The developmental progress can be assessed without affecting the fertilised embryos.
  • With the information obtained from the images taken by the time-lapse camera, scientists can assess and select the most appropriate or suitable embryo.
  • By monitoring the information and images provided by the system, scientists can track the sequence at which cell division is taking place with great precision.
  • Embryos are kept and developed in a more controlled environment with regard to temperature and pH.
  • Embryonic development is not affected due to reduced handling and manipulation of the embryos.
  • According to clinical studies, EmbryoScope provides the best chance of achieving a successful pregnancy and IVF treatment.
Last modify: Juni 11, 2019

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