
ဆေးရောင်စုံစက္ကူ-Specific လေဆာကုသမှု


Pigment Specific laser treatment
removes pigmented (colored) structures from the skin. The laser wavelength is matched to that of the specific target, removing it from the skin whilst sparing surrounding structures.

The Procedure
All pigmented lesions and tattoos contain a light-absorbing pigment. When laser light hits the skin, it may be reflected, transmitted or absorbed. Absorbed energy is most responsible for the clinical effect. It is converted to thermal energy by the absorption of heat by the intended targets, whilst sparing surrounding normal structures.
All surgery carries risk, and you should be fully aware of the medical risks associated with this procedure before you consent to surgery. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you during your consultation, and you are encouraged to ask questions if there is anything you do not understand.

More details about your consultation and tips on coming to Bumrungrad in the Consultation section of our Getting Your Procedure page.

You will be required to sign a consent form before surgery stating that you have been informed of the risks involved; that you understand those risks; and that you accept those risks. This is standard hospital protocol and surgery will not be performed if you do not sign.

You can find hospital forms on our the Forms section of our Getting Your Procedure page.

It is your obligation to inform your surgeon of key medical information that may influence the outcome of your surgery or may increase the level of risk. These include medications you are taking, history of disease, medical complications, etc.

Risks and risk rates vary from patient to patient depending on a range of factors. No two people are alike. The risks listed below are possible risks associated with this type of surgery and are mentioned regardless of how remote the possibility:

Temporary swelling, discomfort. Lightening of treated skin. Acute sun sensitivity. Increased sensitivity to makeup. Pinkness or redness in skin that may persist for up to 6 months.

Please see our Pigment-Specific Laser Treatment FAQs for more information on this procedure, and our Skin Center FAQs for general tips on how to mitigate risks.
Time required: A few minutes to 1 hour. May require more than 1 session. Usually outpatient, unless combined with other surgical procedures that require hospitalization.
Anesthesia: Local, numbing spray, or general.
Temporary swelling, discomfort. Lightening of treated skin. Acute sun sensitivity. Increased sensitivity to makeup. Pinkness or redness in skin that may persist for up to 6 months.
Back to work: 2 weeks.
More strenuous activities: 4 to 6 weeks.
Fading of redness: about 3 months.
Return of pigmentation/sun exposure: 6 to 12 months.

Please note that this information should be used only as a guide to your treatment. All specifics will be discussed with your Physician at your consultation.

If you have questions that are not answered in this website, then please contact us.
Last modify: հուլիսի 03, 2019

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