


The New Life Healthy Aging Clinic recognizes the unique needs of our older patients. We have laid out a comprehensive vaccine program designed for older patients, based on preventable infectious diseases found more commonly with age. Preventing and reducing complications of disease helps the older person keep healthy and independent. Patients are advised to consult our experienced medical team at the New Life Healthy Aging Clinic for education and appropriate recommendations for these vaccinations. 

Elderly Vaccinations
  • Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Vaccination 

It is recommended that persons 60 years and above receive the shingles vaccination, as the risk of shingles increases with age. Symptoms of shingles include a painful rash and burning sensations along the nerve, which in the elderly can last longer and be more severe than those affected at a younger age.

  • Pneumococcal Vaccination 

It is recommended to receive the 2 different pneumococcal vaccinations, starting with the conjugate vaccine for 13 different serotypes, and the polysaccharide vaccine for another 23 serotypes. The S.pneumonia (Streptococcus pneumoniae) bacteria is a common cause of infections within the elderly population, causing pneumonia, sinus infections, and can even infect the bloodstream or the brain, resulting in pneumococcal meningitis. Vaccination will decrease the chances of developing these conditions.

  • Tetanus Vaccination 

It is recommended to receive a tetanus vaccination once every 10 years. Tetanus disease has been on the rise again in recent times, and the elderly are just as at risk as any other population.

  • Influenza Vaccination (Flu Vaccination) 

It is recommended to receive an influenza vaccination yearly, sometime during the rainy season through the winter season, as older persons infected with the flu often end up needing to be hospitalized or developing complications.


  • Prices exclude doctor’s fee or any additional charges which may apply.
  • All vaccinations should be received under the guidance of a doctor.
  • Prices are valid until 31 December 2016

The New Life Healthy Aging Clinic

We are committed to helping elderly patients maintain their independence while in good health, and continue to care for them through the course of their lives.

For more information, please contact +66 2011 2222

Last modify: նոյեմբերի 29, 2024

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