
Perawatan Laser Kaki Vena

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Leg veins
are visible on the surface of the skin as red, green or blue lines. This type of veins are commonly found on the face and legs. Leg veins are smaller than varicose veins and require different treatment methods. Surgery may be used to treat varicose veins and a test is used to check for abnormal veins.

What causes leg veins?
Leg veins appear to be associated with heredity, occupations involving prolonged standing or sitting, and pregnancy. Sclerotherapy (vein injection) has been used to treat varicose veins. However, advances in laser technology have revolutionized their use in the safe and effective treatment of varicose veins.
Laser treatment can be used to treat facial and leg veins of less than 2 mm in diameter. If some vessels are larger than 2 mm, laser treatment is not recommended due to the chance of recurrence.
Laser light safely penetrates into the skin and the heat from the laser closes and shrinks the vein.  A closed vein loses its source of blood and degenerates. The use of lasers enhances the precision of treatment and can close and shrink the veins without affecting the surrounding tissues. There is a very minimal chance of scarring with this procedure. Treatment time depends on the size and number of the veins. 
Most patients need only one treatment. However, some patients may need 2-3 treatments, depending on the size, depth, number and color of the veins. Different patients can also have variable responses to the same treatment. Treatment sessions will be subject to the doctor’s discretion.
During treatment, most patients may experience a little discomfort if the procedure is performed without anesthesia. For patients with a low pain tolerance, anesthesia can be applied 1 hour before the treatment.  
There may be some redness or bruising that should disappear within 1 week. Wearing support stockings or elastic compression stockings helps to improve treatment results.
Slight redness and swelling appear on the skin immediately after the treatment but this will usually disappear within 24 hours. Some patients with relatively dark skin may have a bruise or burn. Consult a doctor for more information.
Treated veins usually show improvement within 2-6 weeks after treatment. The final results may be apparent after about 2 months. The treatment results can last for years if varicose veins or enlarged veins do not appear around the treated area.
Patients can return to their normal daily activities immediately after treatment. However, avoid vigorous exercise, hot baths during the first 24 hours, and exposure to the sun. Also, apply sunblock on treated skin during the first 2 weeks.
Last modify: Januari 12, 2021

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