


What is hair loss?
Scarring - (Loss of hair follicles). Cutaneous lupus erythematosus and fungal kerions are the most prevalent forms of scarring alopecia, which causes permanent hair loss.
Nonscarring - (The hair follicles are still present). Alopeaia areata is this type, which is an autoimmune process but the cause is unknown. Since the hair follicles still exist, it is often reversible. It However, it can develop into the scarring type.
  • Stress, illness or surgery, prolonged fever, childbirth, emotional (psychological stress), crash dieting, etc.
  • Hormonal problems, hyper or hypo-thyroid hormone
  • Some medications
  • Allergic reaction to medications
  • Radiation Therapy
  • Infections: Fungal infections, Syphilis, HIV, Herpes simplex
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Systemic and discoid lupus erythematosus
  • Anemia
  • Hair pulled too tightly by hair rollers, pigtails, and cornrows
  • Twisting and pulling hair out due to psychiatric problems
  • Genes
Family history of baldness or hair loss, Advancing age (for male-pattern baldness only), pregnancy, stress, poor nutrition.
Alopecia symptoms depend on the type of hair loss. Some of more the common symptoms include: Hair recedes, hair falls out at the top of the head, hair thins, and gradual shedding and hair come out with gentle pulling. The common symptoms of Alopecia Areata are rapid hair loss, round or oval patches of hair loss and sometimes brittle and discolored fingernails and toenails with ridges.
Physical examination and some tests may be needed, such as, tugging on the hair, biopsy of the scalp, checking hair loss on other parts of the body, and blood test to identify underlying conditions that may cause the hair loss.
Treatments include:
  • Medication, anti-fungal shampoos, steroid injection.
  • Lifestyle changes: Be gentle with your hair, learn and practice to control your stress.
  • Surgery:
    • Hair transplant: Taking hair from the back and side of the head and transplanting in bald areas.
    • Scalp reduction with flaps: Cutting the scalp and pulling the areas with hair closer together.
 Please visit our Skin Center (Dermatology) for more information about hair loss.
Last modify: 2月 07, 2023

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