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Scoliosis Patient Testimonial | Khun Boonsiri Chutinawee’s impressions of scoliosis surgery

Boonsiri Chutinawee, a 15-year-old patient, found out that she had scoliosis after she underwent a health check-up at school. Having noticed an uneven waistline, she lost self-confidence. She then talked with her family about getting surgery as a cure.

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Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is inflammation in the plantar fascia in the foot, the fibrous attachment to the heel bone. It is the most common cause of heel pain. The main symptom is pain in the bottom of the foot or the heel and the pain is usually the worst with the first few steps out of bed in the morning or when getting up after long periods of sitting. The pain is often relieved after walking for a while or after stretching. Generally, plantar fasciitis can heal on its own even without any treatment. However, getting proper treatment can help it heal faster and taking proper care of the soles can reduce the recurrence rate.

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New technology in spine surgery

In the past, conventional spinal surgery was performed and began around the early 1900s. This follows the use of general anesthesia, emerging of an x-ray machine and has a better antibiotics. The first conventional discectomy was performed and recorded in 1932. The first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used in 1977, which can study the structures inside the spine, including nerves and spinal cord. Surgery in the past is very different from the present.

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Lateral Side Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is considered one of the most common injuries among musculoskeletal injuries, requiring a trip to the emergency room for medical help. Mostly found in the 15-35 years old group, the incidence of lateral ankle sprain stands at 0.54-11.55 per 1,000 exposures.

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Common bone disorders in children and care guidelines

I believe some parents may have children with a congenital disorder or deformed limbs and spine. They may have extra or webbed fingers and toes or some may be missing.

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