
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tears

The ACL is a ligament inside the knee joint that provides forward stability to the knee, in order to prevent forward displacement of the shin bone (tibia) from the thigh bone (femur). This is the most common knee ligament injury and can occur as the result of a sudden twisting movement, such as a fall, in sport or daily life.The ACL is a ligament inside the knee joint that provides forward stability to the knee, in order to prevent forward displacement of the shin bone (tibia) from the thigh bone (femur). This is the most common knee ligament injury and can occur as the result of a sudden twisting movement, such as a fall, in sport or daily life.

Symptoms of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tears

Rapid swelling, severe pain, reduced range of movement and inability to continue activity. Perhaps a loud pop or a "popping" sensation in the knee and a feeling of instability or “giving way” when weight bearing. 

An ACL tear can be diagnosed on the basis of a physical exam. An MRI can confirm the diagnosis and rule out other causes of knee pain.
Both surgical and non-surgical options are available, depending upon age and activity level. Patients who are young or wish to maintain an active lifestyle are more likely to require ACL surgery. The advanced solution for treatment is arthroscopic single or double bundle ACL reconstruction. Our specialists will help you determine which option is best for you.
Last modify: December 23, 2022

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