
Low-dose Computerized Tomography

The number of lung cancer patients is increasing at an alarming rate, with this disease currently the number one cause of death among both males and females in the U.S.A. In Thailand, lung cancer is the leading cause of death among males, and the fifth deadliest disease in females.

Advantages of low-dose computerized tomography
while for patients who have irregularities detected during chest x-rays, it may already be too late for effective treatment to take place. Fortunately, clinical studies have found that screening for early-stage lung cancer with annual low-dose computed tomography (LCDT) procedures have been found to reduce fatality rates by up to 20% among high-risk groups. This is because early-stage lung cancer - which often displays no symptoms whatsoever - can be treated effectively, while the radiation levels patients are exposed to are also lower than when undergoing standard computed tomography chest (CT) examinations.
  • LDCT is able to detect even very small nodules in the lung, which are too small to detect with conventional chest x-ray.
  • LDCT is able to detect early lung cancer. Hence, the cancer can be treated before it has spread outside the lung. This reduces lung cancer mortality.
  • LDCT is a technique that uses low radiation dose so the patient will expose less radiation than conventional CT.
  • IV contrast is not required.
Who should take this screening test and will get maximum benefits
  1. Heavy smokers, whose age is 55 years or above, who smoke 2o cigarettes per day for the past 30 years constantly or 4o cigarettes per day for the past 15 years constantly, including the ones who quitted smoking for less than 15 years.
  2. Having been exposed to a harmful environment for a long period, especially where Asbestos is present.
  3. Having a record of chronic lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or chronic bronchitis.
People who does not meet the criteria in above group, but probable gains benefits from LDCT screening
  1. Having a family member who smokes.
  2. Having a family member who suffered from lung cancer.
*** Must be 40 years old or above and no record of any cancer.
  1. There is no need for any special preparations on the part of patients, with regular eating and drinking allowed due to the lack of radiation injections.
  2. Please contact the computer scanning department 15-30 minutes before your appointment to ensure you are ready for the procedure.
  3. If patients are wearing any jewelry and/or other metal accessories, they should remove them when changing into the hospital-provided clothing.
  1. A member of staff will help place you in the correct position on the bed, which involves laying on your side and placing both arms by the side of your head.
  2. The member of staff will advise you regarding the correct breathing techniques with the aim of reducing internal organ movement, which will help to improve image quality. Patients will usually be required to hold their breath for around 2-5 seconds each time.
  3. The bed used during screening will move slowly in and out of the machine.
  4. The whole process will takes around 5-10 minutes to complete.
Last modify: October 20, 2020

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