
Baseball Frank Jobe, MD.

Frank Jobe, MD.  Dr. Jobe was an internationally known American orthopedic surgeon who pioneered both elbow ligament replacement (the so-called Tommy John surgery) and major reconstructive shoulder surgery for baseball players.  These operative procedures have helped so many major league pitchers to allow their careers to extend for many years which would not have been possible without the surgery that Dr. Jobe had invented.  Steve Dilbeck of The Los Angeles Times referred to Jobe as a "legend" and said "it could be argued that Jobe is the greatest orthopedic surgeon in history".

Dr. Jobe also had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and subsequently had atrial flutter that further compromised his heart function and caused heart failure.  He came to Dr. Nademanee for treatment of his atrial flutter and underwent a successful catheter ablation.  After the procedure,  Dr. Jobe could resume his miracle work for many athletes and patients who came to see him for elbow and shoulder reconstruction until his death in 2014.  The picture here shows the respect, appreciation, and admirations of one pioneer to the other.    
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