
Transmen Health



Gender-Affirming Surgery (GAS)

When it comes to gender-affirming surgery, our clinic stands out for its commitment to excellence and holistic care:

1. Mastectomy (Top Surgery)

Experience the liberation of mastectomy, a top surgery procedure meticulously tailored to affirm your gender identity. This transformative surgery involves the removal of breast tissue, creating a masculine chest appearance. Techniques may include double incision, periareolar, or keyhole, with post-surgical care emphasizing wound management, compression garments, and scar care. Our team supports you through each step, ensuring optimal healing and satisfaction with your chest contour.

2. Phalloplasty

Embark on the possibilities with phalloplasty, a complex surgery designed to align your physical self with your truly gender. This procedure typically involves constructing a neophallus using donor tissue, often from the forearm or thigh. Stages may include urethral lengthening, scrotoplasty, and erectile device placement. Post-surgical care includes recovery from each stage, dilation for urethral health, and ongoing support to address any concerns. Our team is dedicated to guiding you through this intricate process with care and expertise.


Consider metoidioplasty for a personalized approach to lower surgery, honoring your unique journey towards self-discovery. This procedure involves releasing the clitoral ligaments to enhance the length of the metoidioplasty, often accompanied by urethral lengthening and scrotoplasty. Post-surgical care includes dilation, wound care, and follow-up appointments to ensure a smooth recovery. Our team is committed to providing comprehensive support tailored to your specific needs.

4.Laparoscopic Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy:

Opt for comprehensive surgery with laparoscopic hysterectomy and oophorectomy, a vital step in achieving a holistic gender-affirming experience. This surgery involves the removal of the uterus and ovaries through minimally invasive techniques. Post-surgical care includes recovery guidance, hormone management, and ongoing support to address any concerns. Our team is here to ensure your well-being throughout this transformative process.   

Post-Surgical Care


Our commitment to your well-being extends beyond the surgical procedure. We provide comprehensive post-surgical care to support your healing and recovery process. Our multidisciplinary healthcare professionals will closely monitor your progress, offer guidance on post-operative care instructions, manage pain and discomfort, and address any concerns or complications that may arise.


Transgender Medicine Plastic Surgeons    


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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orawee Chinthakanan

Gynecologist , Pelvic Reconstruction

Specializing in Vaginal hysterectomy ,Colporrhaphy (Repair) , Labiaplasty

,Laparoscopic neovaginal operation

Anesthesiologist for Transgender surgery


Maj.Dr. Chanrit Lawthaweesawat
Anesthesiologist specializind in Acute Pain service (APS)


At the Pride Clinic, we prioritize your safety, comfort, and satisfaction throughout the surgical process. Our skilled surgical team follows best practices and uses advanced techniques to achieve optimal results. We provide comprehensive pre-operative consultations, personalized surgical plans, and post-operative support to ensure your well-being and successful outcomes.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss the gender-affirming surgical options available to you.

Our compassionate team will guide you through the process, address your concerns, and help you make informed decisions to achieve your desired goals.

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