
Strabismus (Crossed Eyes)

Generally, crossed eyes is caused by abnormalities in the brain's control system that control the eye muscles; however, there are both known causes and unknown causes of this condition. Crossed eyes can also be caused by an abnormality of one or more of the eye muscles.

Symptoms of Strabismus

Eyes appear misaligned; the eyes do not appear to be looking the same place simultaneously. The condition can affect only one eye or both. It can also either occur occasionally or be permanent.

There is a change in visibility level, which often occurs with strabismus in children. This is caused by inactivity of one eye in the attempt to avoid seeing double images. Eventually this can lead to lazy eye of the eye not being used (note that the lazy eye is not congenital but due to the action of not using the affected eye). 

Delaying the treatment of common eye conditions in children might lead to complications.


The main goal is to align the eyes and have them work simultaneously. This can be achieved through exercising the eye muscles, wearing eyeglasses, wearing prism correction glasses, or undergoing eye muscle surgery. It all depends on the type of strabismus. In addition, any problems related to strabismus such as amblyopia (lazy eye) must be treated before strabismus surgery. Conditions that cause poor vision such as ptosis (droopy eyelid) and cataracts must also be treated prior to surgery.

Last modify: August 24, 2023




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