
Chronic Kidney Disease Program

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a progressive loss of renal function over a period of months or years. Causes of chronic kidney disease are diabetes mellitus, hypertension, or glomerulonephritis, urinary tract infection, exposure to some toxic substances, herbal or some medication.

If it is not properly treated, kidney function may reduce overtime leading to end-stage of renal failure which needs hemodialysis or kidney transplantation. The diminished kidney function brings various complications such as water and electrolyte imbalance, anemia and the accumulation of waste products in the body. These symptoms can be controlled and prevented if the patient has been regularly monitored by a specialist.

Bumrungrad International hospital established the Chronic Kidney Disease Program with the main purpose of preventing or delaying the progression of chronic kidney disease and the development of complications.

You will be taken care by our professional team that includes specialists in chronic kidney disease, nurses, pharmacists and nutritionists.
  • Regular assessment of kidney function to prevent any complications from occurring
  • Advice about a diet-controlled program from nutritionists specializing in kidney disease
  • Instruction for self-care and handbook
  • Drug instruction with advice on other medicines or suppliments that can damage the kidneys
  • Overall health consultation
  • Continuous care and assessment from nephrologists and our professional team
  • Have chronic kidney disease with slightly diminished kidney function (less than 60 ml/min/1.73m2) or have had albumen detected in the urine (more than 500 mg/day). 
  • Be willing and able to commit to regular visits for the Chronic Kidney Disease Program (as scheduled)
Last modify: February 18, 2022

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