
Automated Visual Field Test

The visual field is total area in which objects can be seen in the side (peripheral) vision as you focus your eyes on a central point. Normally, the visual field extends to approximately 60 degrees nasally (toward the nose or inward) from the vertical meridian in each eye to 100 degrees temporally (away from the nose or outward) from the vertical meridian, and approximately 60 degrees above and 75 degrees below the horizontal meridian.

Reasons for the test
A visual field test assesses the functions of the eyes nerves and how far your peripheral vision extends on each side. Furthermore, it also serves as a test of vision, such as for the application of a driver’s license, tests for any deformities in vision, and helps diagnose problems with the nerves of the eyes and brain.
  1. Glaucoma.
  2. Retinal issues.
  3. Issues with the nerves of the eyes.
  4. Issues with the part of the brain that controls vision, such as certain tumors that may be compressing those nerves.
This test is painless and does not require contact with the eye. No eye drops are required unless you have other issues (such as requiring artificial tears for dry eyes). However, you may find the test uncomfortable and unfamiliar the first time that you do it, resulting in inaccurate test results. The test may then need to be repeated at your next visit so the doctor can compare the results of the two. Test results often improve at the second or third test because patients are then more familiar with the procedure.
This test can diagnose any vision issues in their earliest stages, which may or may not exhibit any clear symptoms.

Last modify: February 03, 2023

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