
ClariVein Treatment for Varicose Veins

ClariVein® is a technique developed in the United States to treat patients with lumpy varicose veins in the legs. It is a minimally invasive procedure to close the faulty valves that cause inflated varicose veins, usually located in the groin or behind the knee. ClariVein® involves the use of a rapidly rotating catheter tip and an irritant chemical to block the blood flow in that vein.

ClariVein® is not suitable for “spider veins” or “broken veins.”


The procedure is used to treat varicose veins which are swollen and enlarged veins that usually occur on the legs. They can appear lumpy or twisted as well. Varicose veins do not always need treatment as most of the time they do not cause any discomfort. When they do, though, you may experience pain, swelling, skin discoloration, leg ulcers, and inflammation. Some patients may choose to treat varicose veins for cosmetic reasons.

Complications are uncommon, but may include failure to treat the vein, minor thigh bruising, and numbness in the lower leg. No other complications have been reported thus far.

While currently no long-term date exists on the effectiveness of the technique, two-year data shows that ClariVein® is at least as good as laser and radiofrequency treatments for varicose veins at the same point. ClariVein® has the advantage of being painless and without the risk of heat damage that is present in laser and radiofrequency ablation. There is also no risk of nerve or skin damage and patients are able to return to normal activities quickly.

What if the procedure is not performed?

If you are not experiencing any discomfort, not having the procedure simply means the varicose veins will continue to be visible. Rarely, varicose veins can lead to painful ulcers forming on the skin or blood clots, known as thrombophlebitis.

There are many treatment options for varicose veins, depending on their location and severity.

·        You may begin by making certain lifestyle modifications, such as exercising, losing weight, avoiding tight clothing, elevating your legs, and not standing or sitting for long periods.

·        Compression stockings may be worn to help veins and leg muscles move blood more efficiently.

·        Sclerotherapy involves the injection of a solution to scar and close small- and medium-sized veins. It does not require anesthesia and is quite effective.

·        Laser can also be used to close off smaller varicose veins. No incisions or needles are required.

·        Vein stripping involves removing a long vein through small incisions.

·        Very advanced cases with leg ulcers may require vein surgery.

Last modify: February 03, 2022

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