
Closed Reduction

Closed reduction is a technique used for treating a broken bone in which the physician carefully manipulates the bone from the outside of the body. This method is used to correct bone position without making an incision to access the site of the fracture. Closed reductions can be used to treat not just fractures, but also dislocations.

Risks and Complications
A closed reduction is non-invasive treatment, which can speed healing time. Complications are rare, but may include:
  • Nerve damage.
  • Vascular injury.
  • Fat particles from the bone marrow or blood clots from veins that can dislodge and travel to the lungs.
  • Need for surgery if the bone does not heal properly.
  • Reaction to anesthesia.
The success of a closed reduction depends on many factors. There are many factors that may result in an unsuccessful procedure such as the injury to nerves and/or blood vessels that may require an open surgery, the slowly healing bones, or the bone deformity.
What if this procedure is not performed?
Reductions are performed to restore normal position of bones and soft tissue after a fracture or dislocation. This promotes normal function after the fractured bone or dislocated joint and/or the supporting tissue heals. Attention is given to the nerves and blood vessels in the injured area as these can be damaged during the injury or during reduction. Treatment of the fracture or dislocation may involve treatment of damaged nerves and blood vessels as well. If you decide not to have this procedure, there may be associated risks to this decision. Please discuss it with your doctor.
Closed reduction is not always appropriate. Occasionally surgery is required for some fractures. The doctor can determine from x-rays whether or not surgery is necessary. If the surgeon is not sure, a closed reduction may be attempted first to see if the condition can be resolved.
Last modify: November 26, 2020

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