
Eye Muscle Surgery

Eye muscle surgery is performed to improve the function of the eye muscle so eyesight is more aligned. It is one way of treating eye muscle dysfunctions or strabismus.

Surgery is used to treat strabismus in children by improving muscle function. This helps straighten alignment and allows both eyes to work together to better see details and dimensions. Surgery can also prevent or treat amblyopia.
  1. Understand the treatment, including risks and benefits.
  2. Prepare physically for the procedure by avoiding infection and meeting an internal medicine doctor and anesthesiologist before the procedure.
  3. Carefully follow all pre-operative instructions, including avoiding food and water and stopping medication that can affect bleeding.
  4. Sign all consent forms as required.
  1. The patient will not be conscious during the procedure as general anesthesia will be used. The procedure takes one to two hours, depending on the patient’s condition.
  2. After the procedure the eye operated on may be covered.
  1. Do not rub the affected eye or let water enter it for at least seven days.
  2. Avoid swimming for at least two weeks.
  3. Do not wear make-up for at least one week.
  4. Use eyedrops as prescribed by the doctor. Follow instructions closely.
  5. You can use your eyes normally. Some redness is normal and the eye will turn yellow and then return to its normal color in time.
  1. Severe eye pain, which can be managed with the medication prescribed by the doctor.
  2. Adverse effects include worsening eyesight, worsening redness, severe eye discharge, and/or constant pain. If these occur, please see the doctor immediately.
There are no travel limitations before and after the procedure.
The success of the procedure depends on the condition of the eye muscle. The ophthalmologist will assess the possibility of success after physically examining the patient’s eye.
What if the procedure is not performed?
A child’s eyes are still developing and strabismus will affect the function of that eye, compromising vision and ultimately leading to amblyopia, which means that the eye has not developed in the normal rate as the unaffected eye. The condition can affect how the child sees three-dimensional objects. So it is important that the child is treated as soon as possible so the condition doesn’t affect their quality of life in the future.

Last modify: February 02, 2023

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