
Eyelid Hygiene Treatment

Eyelid massage and cleaning under a microscope is a type of massage that is performed along the length of the eyelids to provide relief from obstruction of the meibomian glands. A glass rod and cotton bud are used to squeeze the oily fluid out of the glands to treat eyelid inflammation and chronic dry eye.

To treat patients with eyelid inflammation and chronic dry eye caused by inflammation and obstruction of the meibomian gland and/or bacterial infection and/or a parasitation by Demodex. Patients normally cannot effectively clean their own eyelids and any inflammation can become chronic, affecting the tear film and causing chronic dry eye ultimately.
  1. The patient must be examined by a doctor first and the number of treatments would be planned.
  2. The patient will receive instructions regarding preparing for the procedure as well as details of the procedure itself.
The treatment is carried out in a procedure room by a nurse with expertise in eyelid hygiene treatment. The procedure includes a warm compression, massaging and cleaning the eyelids. The procedure takes approximately 25 to 30 minutes.
  1. The patient will lie on their back. The nurse will apply a gel warmed to about 40-42 degrees Celsius to the eyelids and leave it on for 10-15 minutes to help soften the fatty obstructions.
  2. After application of the warm gel, the nurse will administer anesthetic eye drops and begin to massage the eyelids using the glass rod and sterile cotton buds to press and release the obstructions in the eyelids via microscope approach. The nurse will use a microscope to better visualize the obstructions and can then massage and clean the eyelids more carefully.
  3. The nurse will use a special foam solution to clean the patient’s eyelids from the innermost corners to the outer corners. (The choice of foam will depend on doctor’s recommendation and the patient’s condition). The foam will then be washed off with normal saline solution and artificial tears will be administered to keep lubricating to the eyes after the procedure.
  1. Do not rub the eyes for at least 30 minutes after the procedure.
  2. If any abnormal symptoms appear, such as severe irritation, redness, or pain, the patient should contact the nurse immediately or return to the hospital.
  3. The doctor or nurse will assess the patient’s condition to make the appropriate follow-up appointments for further treatment, depending on the patient’s condition.
  4. After the procedure, the patient may resume normal activities. The procedure does not affect vision.
  5. In some patients with dry eyes or inflammation, redness may increase temporarily and will improve within one to two hours.
Before the Procedure
  • The patient must be examined by the doctor for appropriate treatment planning, including the number of treatments for the eyelid massage and cleaning.
After the Procedure
  • The procedure does not affect the patient’s ability to travel.
  • The doctor or nurse will assess the patient’s condition to make the appropriate follow-up appointments for further treatment, depending on the patient’s condition.
The process of massaging and cleaning of the eyelids can reduce obstruction of the meibomian glands and improve eyelid inflammation as well as prevent dry eyes from worsening. The success of the procedure depends on the continuity of treatment and the patient’s home self-care.
What if the procedure is not performed?
Infection, Inflammation and dry eye will worsen.
  • Topical and systemic medications
  • Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment
Last modify: January 10, 2024

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