
Healite II LED Phototherapy

Healite II LED phototherapy (yellow) is an innovative light therapy that promote wound healing by using light energy at a specific wavelength to speed up the healing process.

To promote wound healing, decrease swelling and inflammation of tissue, stimulate circulation, speed up the healing process, and increase collagen to repair tissue so it is back to normal.
Empty your bladder before the procedure as you will need to stay in one position for 10-15 minutes during the procedure.
  1. The wound to be treated will be cleaned and left open.
  2. The lamp will be adjusted as appropriate.
  3. The lamp should not be farther than 15 centimeters from the wound, but not closer than 1 centimeter.
  4. You will wear goggles/eye protectors if the wound is close to your eyes or if the light might impact your eyes.
  5. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes. You will feel some warmth where the light is applied. Avoid changing positions during the procedure to allow the strength of the light to be stable for the best results.
  6. Once the time is up, you will hear a sound. The lamp can be removed and the wound dressed normally.
You can resume normal activities and dress the wound normally.
Normally there are no side effects of the procedure, though some patients may experience some redness of the skin. This usually goes away within one hour.
This treatment is not appropriate for patients with skin that is sensitive to light or those taking medication that makes them photosensitive.
There are no travel restrictions.
Please discuss the likelihood of success with your doctor before the procedure.
What if the procedure is not performed?
Healite II phototherapy helps speed up wound healing and is one option to help the wound heal more quickly.
Treatment options depend on your condition. Your doctor will explain all options to you.
Last modify: January 25, 2021

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