
Increase pregnancy success with Embryo Glue

One of the most important steps in IVF is transferring the embryo back into the uterus. The use of Embryo Glue, a medium which aids in implantation of embryos, helps increase the implantation success, improving the chance of pregnancy.

What is Embryo Glue?
Typically, in the lining of the woman’s uterus, there is hyaluronan or hyaluronic acid, a gooey, slippery substance that the body produces naturally, found mostly during the time of embryo implantation. Embryo Glue is a hyaluronan-enriched embryo transfer medium developed for use in the laboratory to help with embryo implantation, creating an environment that replicates the natural conditions of the uterus. 
The embryologist selects the most viable embryo for transfer and bathe it in Embryo Glue. The hyaluronan then gets through the embryo's outer layer, adhering to the embryo's cells, helping the embryo attach to the endometrium. The embryo is thus successfully implanted, with reduced risk of displacement. 
Embryo Glue is suitable for couples with fertility issues especially for those couples whose IVF attempts or embryo implantation have been unsuccessful, as well as those with certain health problems making embryo implantation difficult. 
  • Helps prevent the embryo from displacement
  • Keeps the embryo well-implanted in the endometrium
  • Provides essential nutrients to support embryo development 
  • Increases the chance of pregnancy for infertile couples "
Embryo Glue improves the embryo implantation in the early stages of pregnancy and thus has no impact on long-term development of the embryo. Embryo Glue has been in use since 2003. Studies have shown that the use of Embryo Glue increases the implantation success rate as well as the chance of pregnancy and live birth rates. Data on live births from more than 4,000 transfers shows a 20% increase in chance if using Embryo Glue.
Last modify: April 11, 2024

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