
Joint Preservation Surgery

Joint preservation surgery is suitable for some patients who want to postpone joint replacement surgery, especially physically active younger patients with mild to moderate symptoms.

The goals of joint preservation surgery are to repair any bone damage and reconnect any broken bones or torn ligaments, delay and minimize joint degeneration, reduce pain, increase function and avoid joint replacements in appropriate patients.

Surgical joint preservation techniques include:
  • Osteotomy:  The surgical procedure that either lengthen, shorten or straighten a bone to repair a damaged joint. This procedure can help postponing hip or knee replacement for many years.
  • Cartilage restoration procedure: Articular cartilage can be damaged by injury or normal wear and tear. When it is damaged or worn away, the affected joint becomes still, painful and has limited range of motion. Restoring articular cartilage can relieve pain, increase function and can delay or prevent the onset of arthritis. Surgical techniques to restore damaged cartilage are usually done arthroscopically. Therefore, recovery procedure is quicker and less painful than a traditional, open surgery.
Last modify: November 23, 2020

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