
Nasal Cryotherapy

Risk factors associated with chronic rhinitis
Chronic rhinitis may end up being a lot more than a general irritant, with the condition having the potential to cause more serious disorders or symptoms if it is left untreated, such as:
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Idiopathic malaise
  • Poor appetite
  • Sinusitis
  • Middle ear infections
What is cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy is a form of treatment designed to alleviate the autonomic nervous system imbalances that
lead to inflammation and excess phlegm production in the nasal cavity by freezing the nerves to disrupt
the signals being sent. Stopping these signals means that the nose no longer receives instructions to
swell or produce excess phlegm, which can reduce the symptoms of chronic rhinitis, such as a blocked or
runny nose.
  • It is a non-invasive form of treatment for those not wishing to undergo surgery.
  • There is minimal blood loss, with the procedure deemed extremely safe, while any resulting scarring heals quickly.
  • It is convenient, quick, and there is no need for a hospital stay.
  • It is a much cheaper alternative than surgery.
  • Patients aged over 12
  • Patients with moderate to severe symptoms, including a chronic runny nose, an itchy nose, excess phlegm, and a phlegmy cough
  • Patients with allergic rhinitis or non-allergic rhinitis, who suffer with a blocked nose, runny nose, or excess phlegm production
  • Patients who have not responded well to medication or other forms of treatment
The procedure can be performed in an outpatient setting, with medical staff beginning by injecting the patient with a local anesthetic. Once the nasal cavity is numb, they will insert an endoscope with a bulb-like device on the end containing liquid nitrogen into the nose. The nitrogen is then released onto the desired area to freeze the nerves. The whole procedure only takes around 90 seconds to complete, after which point the patient is given pain relief medication alongside anti-inflammatories. They are then monitored for around 30 minutes before being allowed to return home, where any symptoms usually disappear within 24 hours. Initially, patients may experience a blocked nose, but this will improve once the wounds heal.
  • Patients usually see an improvement to their original symptoms around 7–30 days after undergoing the procedure, with medical studies finding that 80% of patients see an improvement lasting up to 1 year following treatment.
  • Cryoglobulinemia
  • Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
  • Cold urticaria
  • Raynaud’s disease
  • Nasal infections
  • A recent nasal surgery
Last modify: February 03, 2023

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