
Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

Most children begin to have their first teeth come in at around 6 months of age; baby teeth begin to fall out around age 6-7. It is important to take care of your child's teeth from the time they have baby teeth as it affects the future development of their permanent teeth. The Pediatric Dentistry Department provides a wide range of services, from consultation to prevention to oral and dental care and treatment. Pediatric dentistry is available to newborns up to children 12 years of age.

Healthy primary teeth promote good health and age-appropriate development in children. In addition to chewing, primary teeth are crucial in speech pronunciation and development. Having tooth decay or losing their baby teeth prematurely can affect children in many ways.

  • If left untreated, tooth decay can develop into a tooth root infection, with the buildup of pus, causing pain and fever. The infection may then spread to nearby organs as well as into the bloodstream and then to various organs to the point of being life-threatening.
  • With toothaches due to tooth decay, children cannot bite or chew food as usual, thus losing their appetite or only opting for particular foods, thereby not getting the nutrients necessary for proper physical growth.
  • Toothaches cause poor sleep in children, affecting both their physical and emotional development.
  • Premature loss of teeth affects speech development, with children unable to pronounce certain words clearly.
  • Children may lose confidence if they get teased by their peers for not speaking clearly, or for having missing teeth, tooth decay, or discolored teeth.
  • Premature loss of primary teeth can result in crowded or crooked permanent teeth, with not enough space to come in or simply coming in in the wrong position.



Examination and consultation

Dental cleaning

Fluoride sealant treatment

Scaling and polishing

Dental sealant treatment


Tooth filling and tooth extraction


Treatment of gum diseases in children such as canker sores, obstruct salivary glands, gingivitis, and periodontitis


Diagnosis and treatment of oral conditions related to other diseases such as diabetes, congenital heart disease, and asthma


Orthodontics for children


Pulp treatment for primary teeth


Restoration with stainless steel crowns


Front teeth restoration with strip crowns


Front teeth restoration with Zirconia crowns


Space maintainer placement


Treatment of dental trauma, e.g. tooth fractures


Dental treatment under general anesthesia

Treatment follow-ups every 4-6 months

When should parents bring their child to visit the dentist for the first time?

  • When the first baby tooth emerges or when the children are about 6 months old but not more than one year old. Parents should then schedule dentist appointments every 4-6 months, as scheduled.

If the child has no tooth decay, should we still take them to see the dentist regularly?

  • Tooth decay or other oral problems may be asymptomatic or difficult to notice in the early stages. Regular visits to the dentist for dental check-ups allow us to find cavities or other problems and deal with them before they become more serious. These include crooked teeth, crowded teeth, and abnormal bites. 
  • In addition, dentists can advise parents on how to properly care for their children's teeth. Potential problems can thus be avoided, reducing dental treatment costs. This also helps develop a positive attitude in children regarding dentistry and proper dental care.  

How is a pediatric dentist different from other dentists?

  • Pediatric dentists are skilled at providing dental and oral care for children from infancy through adolescence. With their psychological understanding of children of different ages, pediatric dentists can communicate with children gently and appropriately. 


Last modify: April 30, 2024

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