
Pupil Dilation

Pupil dilation involves the use of eye drops to widen your pupils, allowing in more light and giving the doctor a better view of the back of your eye, including the blood vessels. This helps your doctor more accurately diagnose common diseases and conditions.

The procedure is performed by an experienced Clinical Nurse Coordinator of the Eye Center.
There are many types of drops that can be used for this procedure, such as phenylephrine or Mydriacyl®.

The dilation will be in effect for approximately four to six hours.
  1. Since the procedure allows more light into your eye, natural, normal light will seem much brighter to you, causing your eyes to tear. It is important that you have a family member or friend accompany you if you know you will be undergoing pupil dilation as you will not be able to see well.
  2. Because of the excessive light that will enter your eye, it is not recommended that you drive until the medication’s effects have worn off.
  3. You will find it difficult to see things that are close to you. This is temporary and should resolve on its own within four to six hours or so.
  4. If you experience worsening blurry vision, see rainbows around lights, have severe eye pain and/or heaviness, and feel nauseated or vomit, please let your doctor
Last modify: February 03, 2023

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