

Tarsorrhaphy is a surgical procedure in which the eyelids are partially sewn together to narrow the opening. The eye needs the lid to protect it, as well as tears and periodic blinking to cleanse it and keep it moist. There are many conditions that impair these functions, which may harm the eye, especially the cornea. Until they can be appropriately managed, a tarsorrhaphy protects the eye.

  • Paralysis or weakness of the eyelids that prevents the eyes from closing or affects blinking, such as Bell’s palsy, a nerve condition that weaken the muscles of one side of the face, including the eyelid. Myasthenia gravis can also cause facial muscle weakness. These can usually be cured. Stroke is another cause of facial weakness that leads to the inability to completely close the eye.
  • Exophthalmos (eyes bulging out of their sockets) occurs with Graves’ disease of the thyroid and with tumors behind the eyes.
  • Enophthalmos is a condition in which the eye falls back into the socket, making the eyelid ineffective.
  • Several eye and corneal diseases cause swelling of the cornea, requiring temporary protection until the condition is resolved.
  • Sjögren’s syndrome reduces tear flow to the point where it can endanger the cornea.
  • Dendritic ulcer of the cornea caused by viruses may require the eyelid to be covered during treatment.
  • It helps the eyelids function normally or close to normal.
  • It reduces dry eyes caused by malfunctioning of the eyelids.
  • It reduces complications leading to other eye disease.
  • It improves the facial and eye appearance
Tarsorrhaphy is performed using local anesthesia so no special preparation is necessary.
Stitches are placed at the corner of the eyelid, called the palpebral fissure. This promotes eye lubrication and limits exposure to the air.
  • The doctor will prescribe eye drops or a topical ointment to treat the cornea as well as medication to treat existing medical conditions and prevent infection.
  • You will be instructed to move your eye often so the cornea is covered in tears when the eye rolls under the eyelid.
  • You should avoid rubbing the eye and wearing makeup until your doctor allows it.
The procedure carries few risks. If complications occur, they include minor eyelid swelling and superficial infection.
Before the Procedure
  • Please plan to stay in Thailand for at least 1 week through the duration of treatment.
  • It is recommended that you stay in a hotel close to the hospital for convenience in traveling to the hospital before and after the procedure.
  • You will undergo a health screening when convenient for you before the procedure as the procedure is done using general anesthesia. You will likely need to fast before the health screening. You will be given detailed instructions by your medical team.
After the Procedure
  • The doctor will schedule a follow-up appointment for the day after the procedure. If you have no abnormal symptoms after the procedure you can usually return to your home country. The final decision will depend on your doctor’s recommendation.
  • After the follow-up appointment the day after the procedure you will need to see your doctor 1 month after the procedure, 3 months after the procedure, and 6 months after the procedure. If you cannot return to Thailand for these appointments, please see an ophthalmologist in your home country.
The result is quite good. It can prevent infection to the cornea from dry eyes
What if this procedure is not performed?
Dry eyes which may harm to the eye, especially the cornea
Eye drops and wearing contact lenses to protect the eyes.
Last modify: February 02, 2023

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