Terkadang kita mengalami penyempitan pembuluh darah di otak tanpa menimbulkan gejala apa pun.
Namun jika tidak diobati, kita mungkin akan mengalami kecelakaan serebrovaskular atau stroke di kemudian hari.
If there’s a plaque buildup, there may not be enough blood flow to the brain. Or pieces of plaque can block the vessels in the brain, causing ischemic stroke. Another test is the TCD or Transcranial Doppler ultrasound. It is an examination of the brain arteries, Branches of the carotid arteries at the neck, to see if they are narrowed or blocked. Those who should be checked are those with risk factors, for example,
over 55 in age, drinking alcohol, smoking, having underlying conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, being overweight, having obstructive sleep apnea, or with underlying conditions or with a family history of coronary artery disease or ischemic stroke On examination, if fatty deposits are found in the arteries, the most common treatment is medications, except when the blood vessels are so narrowed that there is not enough blood flowing to the brain. A major treatment is implanting a stent to keep the artery open letting blood flow to the brain or surgery to remove the plaque. In short, the carotid ultrasound exam is a quick and easy test. It only takes 15 to 20 minutes and doesn't hurt, and you'll get results right away. For those with risk factors as mentioned earlier, I'd like you to visit us and get the Carotid Ultrasound and TCD to detect the risk and prevent the development of stroke.
For more information please contact:
- Pusat Ilmu Syaraf
08.00-20.00 (Waktu BKK)
Telp hot line. +66 61 408 7826
20.00-8.00 (Waktu BKK)
Pusat kontak +662 066 8888 dan 1378
Last modify: November 29, 2024