


Coronary Angiogram
is a diagnostic procedure of which the status of coronary arteries (arteries that give blood supply to the heart) is defined.

How is it done?
The procedure is performed either through the groin or the wrist or the front part of the elbow. The right side is preferable. It is done using local anesthesia. During the procedure, a small catheter is introduced to the root of the aorta (great artery). Contrast agent is injected directly into the coronary arteries. Pictures are taken during the contrast injection. There is no pain during the procedure.
The procedure is done to see if one has any blockage in the coronary arteries. It also provides information of how severe the blockage is.
There are very infrequent potential risks or complications:
  • Stroke (0.2%)
  • Death (0.1%) usually occurs in the patients who are very unstable.
  • Bleeding at puncture site (less than 2%), usually easily managed.
Computerized tomographic angiogram using multislice technique may be an alternative. 
Patients with:
  • Acute coronary syndrome (new onset of angina, unstable angina, heart attack etc.)
  • Severe valvular heart disease
  • Known disease of the heart muscle needing to rule out coronary artery disease
  • Sudden death who survive 
Last modify: 十月 01, 2019

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