
Risk of infertility due to heavy metals

Heavy metal toxicity causes abnormalities in the reproductive systems of both females and males

What is heavy metals
Heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, chromium and arsenic are present in our environment from the food we eat, the air we breathe, certain medicines or dietary supplements we take, to various products we use in our daily lives. When microscopic molecules of heavy metals accumulate within our body’s cells, they cause our body’s systems or organs to function abnormally, resulting in an imbalance, a factor of infertility as well as some symptoms and diseases that could be life-threatening.
Heavy metal toxicity causes abnormalities in the reproductive systems of both females and males, with the following adverse effects on fertility.
  • Decreased sperm count, motility, viability, and abnormal sperm shape 
  • Hormone imbalance in both men and women
  • irregular ovulation or delayed egg maturation, reducing the chance of pregnancy
  • Difficult for fertilized eggs to implant in the uterus
  • Long-term exposure to heavy metal toxicity causing menstrual irregularities. endometriosis, endometrial cancer, and miscarriage
Heavy metal tests let doctors know about the amount and the type of heavy metals in the body. The tests can be performed using the following samples: 
  • blood sample
  • urine sample
  • sweat sample
Treatment for abnormally high levels of heavy metals detected in the body varies based on the type of metal that has accumulated including the following:
  • Chelation – use of chelating agents to remove toxic metals from the body through blood vessels
  • Use of medicines to treat symptoms of heavy metal accumulation
  • Use of vitamins to help the liver in removing the accumulated heavy metals
Heavy metal poisoning can be avoided by way of the following: 
  • Wearing protective gear such as masks and gloves when working or coming into contact with heavy metals
  • Avoiding consumption of the same foods from the same sources repeatedly 
  • Limiting the amount of intake of fish with high mercury content such as tuna, shark, and Spanish mackerel
  • Avoiding contact with electric batteries and degraded electronic devices as they may be leaking heavy metals 
  • Always washing your hands before eating
  • Reading labels on such products as food items, cosmetics, dietary supplements, or herbs, etc. before making a purchase to find out if they contain heavy metals and in what quantities 
  • Stopping smoking
Last modify: April 18, 2024

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