
Tension-Type Headache

A tension-type headache is the most common type of headache. Patient who has it always feel neck pain and the pain goes up to both sides of temple, or the whole head. The pain makes patient feel like the head was squeeze tightly. Symptoms are progressive starting from mild pain and it usually starts in the afternoon or evening. The pain could last for hours, days, weeks, months, or even years depending on the stress and rest one has. Generally the pain is not that serious, but it is quite torturing and affects working ability. It will be better when patient takes enough rest or muscle relaxants.

Causes of headache include the change of environment or mental status, injury or illness which causes stress to the body and brain especially the part where it controls one’s emotion and results in autonomic nervous system imbalance, hence tension-type headache.
  • Treatment by yourself
    • While you are having it
      • Sleeping is the most effective way. When you sleep, all nervous systems also have their rest.
      • Take over the counter pain medicines. Pain medicines help relieve pain but they do not make it disappear.
    • Prevention: Exercise for muscle relaxation.
  • Consult a doctor if you have repeated symptoms.
  • Please keep in mind that taking pain medicines help you feel better only when you take them. If you discontinue the medicines without any changing of environment, it is possible that you will experience pain again. Taking pain medicines without finding out the cause means you ignore the warning signs and it’s possible that you will have to take pain medicines continuously.
  1. Lift your shoulders: slowly lift both shoulders up to the ears. Take a deep breath. Pull shoulders back to the same position.
  2. Turn your head: slowly turn your head to the right without turning your body, slowly move your head back to straight position then to the left and back to the straight position again.
  3. Tilt your neck: slowly tilt your neck to the right shoulder, back to center, then to the right and back to center again.
  4. Face down: slowly face down until your chin touches your chest and slowly tilt back.
  5. Neck stretching: put both hands at the back of head, back up right and hold abdominal muscle. Pull both elbows as close to each other as you can. Open elbows and pull to the back as much as you can.
Last modify: December 03, 2020

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