This procedure relies on similar principles to a sleeve gastrectomy but differs in that it folds and stitches the stomach in on itself using an endoscopic device called OverStitch
TM. This involves the doctor inserting the device in through the mouth instead of making an incision in the abdomen. This reduces the risk of complications occurring, such as
GERD, leaks, stenosis, and infection. However, it does take a longer time to achieve the desired weight loss.
When compared to other similar procedures, such as an intragastric balloon, an endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty procedure has a significantly reduced risk of complications occurring (such as nausea, vomiting, and vomiting blood). In addition, the weight loss is achieved to a greater degree and lasts longer, too. Alternatively, when compared with aspiration therapy, which is no longer a preferred method of endoscopic procedure, an endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty carries a much lower risk of infection as there are no incisions made in the abdomen. As such, patients are not as inconvenienced by the procedure itself. However, both procedures take approximately 12 months for the desired weight loss to be achieved.