
Institut Tulang Belakang

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The Spine Institute at Bumrungrad is one of Thailand’s best known medical centers of excellence. Its leaders help train specialists from around the world in the latest surgical and non-surgical treatments for back and neck pain. The Institute’s conservative approach uses pain intervention and physical therapy when possible, less-invasive endoscopic surgery when necessary.

Thousands of patients experience less pain and faster recovery as a result.



Bumrungrad memiliki salah satu pusat medis unggulan terbaik di Thailand. Dokter kami telah berpengalaman dalam melatih spesialis-spesialis dari seluruh dunia dalam prosedur pengobatan nyeri punggung dan leher menggunakan teknik operasi maupun non-operasi yang paling mutakhir.

About the Institute

Bumrungrad memiliki salah satu pusat medis unggulan terbaik di Thailand. Dokter kami telah berpengalaman dalam melatih spesialis-spesialis dari seluruh dunia dalam prosedur pengobatan nyeri punggung dan leher menggunakan teknik operasi maupun non-operasi yang paling mutakhir. Pendekatan konservatif yang digunakan oleh institut kami menggunakan intervensi rasa sakit dan juga terapi fisik apabila memungkinkan, ataupun menggunakan operasi endoskopik apabila dibutuhkan. Hasilnya, ribuan pasien mengalami rasa sakit yang lebih kecil dan proses penyembuhan yang lebih cepat.


To be one of the world/international leading spine institutions which provides holistic spine service, educational program and research


  • To provide holistic, innovative, value base spine care with teamwork concept
  • To establish and maintain educational programs for spine physicians, nurses and physiotherapists
  • To promote research and publication

Experience and expertise


  • The medical professional team at the Spine Institute has over 12 years of experience.
    • Spine surgeons
    • Pain management specialists
    • Rehabilitation specialists 
  • Endoscopic spinal surgery workshops regularly organized for over 10 years
  • A multidisciplinary team of professionals working together including spine nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and physiotherapists
  • A conference of 10-13 medical professionals (spine surgeons, pain specialists, rehabilitation specialists, specialized nurses) held to decide on the treatment plan that is good and appropriate particularly for each individual patient.

Treatment Outcomes at Bumrungrad Spine Institute

To depict the reliability of quality care and safety outcomes for patients, here are the indicators compared with benchmarks set by leading international hospitals or published and recognized research results.

  • Surgery quality and safety are well taken care of as seen in the rate of surgical site infection (SSI), which stood at merely 0.83% in 2021, even lower than the 1.62% outcome at a top hospital in the United States.    
  • In 2021, screw accuracy in spine surgery at Bumrungrad Spine Institute stood at 100%, such a high rate that has been rarely reported.

Spine Surgery at Bumrungrad

We deliver every spine surgery with utmost care ensuring safety as well as reduced post-surgery infection.

  • We provide care of international standards.
  • Our team of medical professionals are experienced and expert in minimally invasive surgery.
    • Small incisions, less pain, fast recovery
    • Reduced post-surgery infection
    • Reduced tissue damage from surgery
    • Reduced post-surgery pain and medication
  • Advanced equipment and technology
    • Endoscope with 4K resolution --- giving clear images, increasing safety in surgery
    • Microscope
  • There is no reuse of certain surgical equipment.  Meanwhile, any tools and medical supplies to be reused are subject to stringent cleaning measures to ensure safety and to reduce infection rate.
  • A number of surgery packages are available to suit individual needs.


Structure of the Back

The back has three primary parts, which are: 

1. Spine

The spine is one of the most important body parts as it is the foundation of the body to support our body’s weight. The spine comprises of multiple bones, called vertebrae, stacked together from the neck (cervical area) to the waist (lumbar area). Doctors often refer to vertebrae by sequential numbering of the area the vertebrae is located in:
  • The cervical spine section consists of 7 vertebral bones (known as C1-C7).
  • The thoracic spine section consists of 12 vertebral bones (known as T1-T12).
  • The lumbar spine section consists of 5 vertebral bones (known as L1-L5). This area is the most location for back pain as it supports the upper body weight.
  • The sacral spine section consists of 5 vertebral bones (known as S1-S5) which are fused together to form the coccyx bone (also known as tailbone).

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Picture 1
Picture 2กระดูกสันหลัง

2. Back muscles

The muscles of the back are attached to the spine by connecting tendons and ligaments.

3. Spinal nerves

In the cavity of the spine, there are 31 pairs of spinal nerves to carry sensations from different parts of the body to the brain, and to carry instructions from the brain to the organs and parts of the body. 


Hear the stories of patients who were treated at the Institute.


Dr. Verapan Kuansongtham


Spine Institute - Spine Surgery

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Assoc.Prof.Dr. Thanet Wattanawong


Spine Institute - Spine Surgery

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Dr. Withawin Kesornsak


Spine Institute - Spine Surgery

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Wg.Cdr.Dr. Ittipol Komonhirun


Spine Institute - Spine Surgery

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Dr. Sumroeng Neti


Orthopaedics - Hand
Spine Institute - Spine Surgery

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Dr. Wattana Mahattanakul


Neurosurgery - Spine Surgery
Spine Institute - Spine Surgery

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Assoc.Prof.Dr. Rattalerk Arunakul


Spine Institute - Spine Surgery

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Prof.Dr. Ake Hansasuta


Neurosurgery - Spine Surgery
Spine Institute - Spine Surgery

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Dr. Atthaporn Boongird


Neurosurgery - Spine Surgery
Spine Institute - Spine Surgery

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Related Packages

Contact Number

  • Institut Tulang Belakang
    Tel. +66 (0) 2011 3077
    Tel. +66 (0) 2011 3078
    Tel. +66 (0) 2011 3079
  • Tele-Consultation with Doctor Click

Service Hours

  • Institut Tulang Belakang
    Setiap hari@ 08 00 – 20 00


  • Institut Tulang Belakang
    Building A, 20th Floor
Last modify: September 29, 2023
Rating score 6,36 of 10, based on 11 vote(s)

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